I participated in nice talk/interview with a good friend Theresa Talea to discuss my thoughts and feelings about the Law of One religion. I enjoy our flow and inward contemplation of this topic and encourage everyone interested to check out Talea's website here for more information on her work . Description from Theresa Talea: This is a brief but informative interview with a good friend who came out of the Law of One religion that typically has its believers say, "We are all One." As with many of us, it took him several years to discern his intuitive knowing among what he was told as "truth" in his New Age and Buddhist teachings. Now, he shares some insights about how his true self is different than what the Law of One says. I love our flow in this video. This video is intended for people who desire to question and potentially move past prevalent dogmas. I direct people to read my well-researched book, the third edition of Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods...
Writings by Alex Balistreya. Exposing the Law of One and religious ceremonies. Rediscover a natural way toward self-integration without religious or New Age beliefs.