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A Closer Look at the Andromeda Deception: Unveiling its Agenda


In my previous post titled “Beyond 2022 and Important Recommendations,” I expressed my intention to shift my focus inward and distance myself from information related by entity groups. However, as time progressed it has become more apparent to me that there are very few individuals who share critical, sensible awareness and insights regarding the agendas of non-Earthly entity groups. This realization underscores the ongoing need for a deeper understanding of the divisive issues surrounding entity group information. 


Recently, in response to this need for more analysis of entity-relayed “teachings” and agendas, Theresa Talea has written a significant article titled “Revealing the Andromeda Deception.”1 I want to add my supportive commentary that includes my personal experiences, insights about two New Age teachers deeply propagating the “Andromeda Deception,” and my final thoughts on these matters, which help steer people back to their innate wisdom, autonomy, and natural connection to Earth.


For decades, numerous New Age spiritual teachings disseminated by entity groups, such as the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) and their affiliates, have directed people to connect their minds and energies to Andromeda. I will discuss the manipulative agendas underlying the measured cosmological narratives and practices that link to “Andromeda,” which is actually more than one location having the same name.1 Those narratives establish interlinking hierarchies while rationalizing the exploitation of humans. 


Two significant “Andromeda Deceptions” are found at the core of both teachings by Ashayana Deane, now known as E′Asha, and Randi Green. I argue that they both promote eugenic projects that stem from self-serving entity groups from Andromeda and associated locations. Their teachings serve to advance extraterrestrial agendas at the expense of human autonomy and our natural, sustaining connection to Earth. My addition to Theresa Talea’s article shines a deeper light into this very important topic.

The MCEO’s Andromeda Agenda

In public discussions I have witnessed, it is evident that conservative advocates of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) and their overseers aim to undermine the clear reasoning and insights that Theresa courageously reveals about their projects. These people have chosen to believe and follow what I see are highly fragmented beings in the overall MCEO entity group. (Because the MCEO is a large entity group, it would be imprudent to assume that all MCEO entities are highly fragmented, but it is at best a semi-phantom entity group and at worst a phantom one, meaning that its members generally do not have our best interest in mind, and they are not eternal.) These people also choose to accept obscure and contradictory messages conveyed through Ashayana/E′Asha, a primary MCEO-directed speaker, while ignoring evidence to the contrary, which Theresa’s article and her book, Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods, 2021 third edition,2clearly point out. Many do not like these facts being revealed to the broader public. 

During my early 20s, I followed the MCEO and its affiliate group Guardian Alliance (GA) through Ashayana. New, otherworldly projects were introduced with each subsequent workshop she provided. These projects frequently connected us to newly revealed entities, locations envisioned in meditations, and techniques to perform as a group. They wanted a sizeable group to participate in their techniques in order to instill their connections Earth-side. I distinctly remember the focus on Andromeda at times, teaching meditative practices and rituals toward locations in or near Andromeda to energetically link the group to specific bridges or areas that aligned with Andromeda and its entities. 


After I left and detached myself from the MCEO group, it became apparent to me that their narratives, energy rituals, and practices served as intentional instruments to advance their underlying agenda. In Ashayana’s Voyagers books, she discloses that her MCEO and GA groups have an ongoing, historical presence in the M31 Andromeda galaxy due to their significant role in bio-regenesis missions created for fragmented entities residing there. They teach that bio-regenesis is a positive experience as though it is a genetic upgrade that we should aspire to have, when really it is a genetic experiment that splices genes into semi-phantom and phantom “fallen” entities to enable them to go to other semi-phantom and phantom locations (none of which are eternal nor connect to eternal locations). In fact, this genetic manipulation is known to distort and fragment the willing and unwilling participants/victims further. 


Entity groups such as the Sirian Bs, Elohim councils, and the Andromeda Federation of Planets have been key contributors to the eugenic projects. These groups have utilized Keylontic Science practices to construct morphogenetic bridges toward somewhat similar, lower dimensions and within planets residing in M31 Andromeda, eventually giving the controlled populations access to their overseers’ settlements in higher dimensions. Originally, these bridges were intended to evolve entities through the Pleiadian star system, then Arcturus, and finally into the Andromeda galaxy (p. 36).3


These constructed connections and others like them have led to intertwining genetic agendas tied to Earthly histories, with many MCEO affiliates collaborating with Andromedans to prioritize their eugenic projects, involving highly questionable and exploitive scientific experiments, for the purpose of accessing viable genetic material and ultimately relocating it to their controlled areas. Earth, with its connection to more natural energies and typically less tampered genetics, has been a consistent target, resulting in fundamental damage to humans and our environment.


Really what I see these stories doing is prioritizing the recruitment of human subjects to establish foreign energetic connections on our Earth. Their narratives have functioned mainly as propaganda, enticing followers to open themselves to manipulation by intervening entities. I use the word “manipulation” because an interdependent belief system taught by an exclusive group implies a predetermined order and hierarchy, submitting subjects to severe power dynamics often unknowingly. Their calculated process fosters a controllable ideology and collective mentality, enabling extraterrestrial beings (not native to Earth) to execute their plans and ideas through human proxies, effectively controlling the minds and eventually the bodies of their followers and reaching Earth as their goal. 


Because the MCEO and GA have exposed destructive agendas and entity antagonists, many of their staunch followers believe they have purely altruistic motives for contacting humans through their chosen speakers. They paint their “Freedom Teachings” as infallible and entirely beneficial, when really this elevated reverence overshadows the moral and ethical ambiguities of their actions that often mirror those of the entity factions they oppose.


The MCEO and GA have presented numerous entities as both helpers and teachers, directing people to connect with them even when very little is divulged about the individuals. However, there are frequently strings attached, literally, through the associated techniques drawing people and them together. The implicit hierarchies are framed as positive and desirable by both the human and the entity overseer (or entity attachment) because they place more value in the entity’s social, cultural, and biological structure, and overall identity than in the human’s. Humans are a newer species than those entities are. They value us far less than they value themselves, but because they want access to our biological “codes,” our beautiful planet, and our galactic region, they spin their narrative to be inclusive and welcoming for us to join their greater metaphysical “family” employed by their use of oneness ideologies.


In my previous article, “The Dangers of Kundalini Awakening,” I revealed some of Ashayana’s history, in that she was originally named Diana. “Ashayana” is actually the name of an entity from the Ra Confederacy, a group associated with the MCEO, and she eventually inhabited Diana’s developed, adult body. This specific phenomenon was a “walk-in,” meaning that Diana essentially died, but the Ashayana entity was nearby to be able to inhabit the body and restore full function. The walk-in phenomenon is highly uncommon and manipulative. In Diana’s case, it was the culmination of a prolonged period of overshadowing by Ashayana and her affiliates, and a series of indoctrinations and practices since Diana was a child. Their indoctrinations and visitations had mentally prepared Diana to blur the lines between her human essence—with its unique value and capacity—and the invasive extraterrestrials’ abilities, thoughts, and presence.  Bodily changes and tragic events involving a near death experience in Diana’s life provided the final opening for Ashayana to fully walk-in and begin her public teaching career as the primary Speaker-1 for the MCEO.4  


It is an understatement to say that Ashayana’s walk-in possession of Diana is ethically questionable, especially when an aspect of Diana is still present. In a number of her workshops, she has exhibited some confusion about her identity when recalling her earlier memories. In addition to her full possession, she has allowed countless other entities to form bridges to and within her, not vetting all of her sources. With this said, I want to clarify that not all of her sources have been highly suspect and unethical. There have been times, although very few, that specific eternal beings have reached her to try to course-correct her misdirection and misinformation. I think and sense that Theresa Talea’s book has done a great job in finding those beneficial nuggets of information in Ashayana’s past work.2


In 2011, Ashayana changed her name to E′Asha. I have often wondered if her adoption of the name E′Asha signified the presence of another entity exerting influence over Ashayana and potentially replacing Ashayana within the primarily human body, or might it reflect a more complex shift within a wider context and agenda? Could this new name upgrade be linked to the ongoing “death science” experiments designed by her overseers to maintain grasp on the following she has established, essentially “upgrading” the use of Diana’s human body per the more advanced practices done by E′Asha and her newer affiliation with Alhumbhra Council (AMCC) entities?  

Having frequent identity shifts prompts crucial inquiries and issues with the Law of One, its entities, and their mindsets, which are taught to allow transpersonality and entity variability that can significantly muddle, damage and destroy a human’s singularly essential nature. It is important to ask questions about the ethical concerns and actions of otherworldly entities that use human proxies; they bear directly on profound humanitarian issues for the future of our Earth, its species, and those that connect with such groups. These questions challenge us to consider the implications that involve surrendering personal sovereignty for the pursuit of connection offered by foreign entities and groups that claim advanced status and, by extension, the right to shape humans according to their beliefs, practices, and rituals. 

Ashayana/E′Asha maintains M31 Andromeda associations in her workshops and books. She asserted in her second Voyagers book that during a destructive event in our Earth’s history, an important portion of the Earth’s morphogenetic field, known as the Sphere of Amenti, was removed and transported to a planet’s core in the Andromeda galaxy (pg. 72).3 This event involved otherworldly, artificial technologies and passageways connected to Egypt, including the white-blue “blue flame” (sometimes also having a green hue) and “Eye of Horus” hall instead of the natural Amenti Blue Flame and Halls of Amenti.2,3 Theresa Talea has unraveled Ashayana/E’Asha’s amalgamations that have misdirected us away from natural energies and toward their phantom approximations in Andromeda.2 Therefore, I have sufficient reason to think that the actual Sphere of Amenti, which has resided within the more natural core of Amenti Earth in our galaxy’s third dimension, has never been in the Andromeda galaxy. It might be possible that Andromedan associates imprinted a measure of the Sphere of Amenti through their technology to create a distorted copy.


In addition, in 2014, E′Asha revealed a name of a planet in the Andromeda galaxy, Ariya, which she also claims is “Urtha-3.” Note that M31 is a semi-phantom galaxy with phantom regions, with its supermassive black hole as evidence. She stated that Ariya has initiated a merging process with Earth. She projected that by 6520 A.D., a complete merger will take place between this planet in M31 Andromeda and Earth, resulting in a newly combined planet.5 This predetermined date discloses her group’s agenda and timeline using their specific bridge project. This agenda also contradicts all of their prior or parallel claims of natural ascension and eternal energies entering Earth. Their proposed bridge utilizes Earth’s captured matter, energy, and human genetics to facilitate the merger with their controlled planet in the Andromeda galaxy. It is apparent to me that they want to capture and direct phantom-based remnants of Earth to their region in M31 Andromeda to artificially bolster their dying system.


In another example, in the recent KDDL-3 workshop, E′Asha and her Alhumbhra Council team have reiterated their objective: they aim to connect the sections of Earth’s “shield” under their control (via their Alhumbhra “Cathedral” implants and linked networks) to M31 Andromeda. They assert that this connection is facilitating their desired Earth merger with the Andromeda planet they call Urtha-3.6 This process is depicted using religious language that affects emotions, with these bridge constructions being termed “Emancipation Passages.”6 Not only does the religious language point to their use of religious ideology in their teachings and energy rituals, but also Theresa Talea has highlighted that the actual planet Urtha is not located in Andromeda. (At times, E′Asha has claimed “Urtha-3” is “Urtha.”)7 In Theresa’s current book, she provides detailed explanations to challenge the inaccuracy of E′Asha’s misinformation.2


My most up-to-date understanding is that these dangerous and politically contentious bridges introduced by the MCEO, GA, and AMCC workshops through Ashayana/E′Asha are always initially mental, then energetic, in order to facilitate the intended use of human beings in eugenic projects that require humans to be the "hands and feet" to carry out otherworldly colonization initiatives on Earth. These eugenic projects (of which the MCEO, GA and AMCC connect to their followers) fundamentally employ psychological coercion strategies to enforce a belief in highly structured, controlled, and fundamentally artificial cosmologies that elevate extraterrestrial entities, their otherworldly locations, and their preferred overseers with alleged genetic superiority. This is largely because these otherworldly operatives believe that “lowly” humans lack the ability and awareness to sufficiently comprehend reality beyond (and within) without the “guidance” and possession of ancient, extraterrestrial overseers. Moreover, it has become apparent that the “Andromeda Deception,” as bravely revealed by Theresa Talea, involves a fundamental misperception and belief by their third and fourth-dimensional operatives who contact and connect with humans. Their minds and the minds of their superiors already believe in their death-supporting actions and artificially constructed cosmologies. Instead of being evolved, I see that they have devolved with mental illness that is an inevitable result of death science and its deliberate agents. 

Another Andromeda Deception

Randi Green clearly exemplifies the Andromeda Deception in the modern-day New Age and spiritual arena. I have not found a proper critique of her teachings, so I feel compelled to now state what I have seen.


Years ago, after leaving the MCEO and critiquing their use of the Law of One ideology on my blog, I was contacted by more than one reader who mentioned a New Age teacher, Randi Green, and her material. These readers wrote to me in support of Green’s otherworldly information with the assumption that it aligned with what I was presenting about being free from entity group agendas, presumably because Green offers new critiques of the MCEO and GA groups, their projects, and some religious ideology.


Upon looking into her books and podcasts, I have come to understand more about Green. It is clear to me—as well as her own admission—that she is another New Age teacher under foreign entity control, prophesying an alternative path from the MCEO material and their group. Green advocates for and maintains her unique hierarchy, which falls under her favored “Ancient Ones,” a conglomeration of non-Earthly entities that she describes as “nothing more than consciousness and energy…expressing their consciousness as the principles of all that has gone before and all that will come.”8


In addition to this in-built hierarchy revering Ancient Ones, Green also promotes an idealistic eugenic project, which teaches readers that progressing human beings are to “work under the Ancient Ones,” and are meant to transform ancient humanoid genetics of various non-Earthly origins into a new “Stellar Human.”Green’s teachings introduce a new, albeit rigidly controlled, representation of cosmology intertwining humans with non-human humanoid entities and non-Earthly genetics. This cosmology presentation is infused with ideology (with principles and laws to strictly follow) and has more covert associations put onto humans, which injudiciously intertwine us with galactic eugenic divisions, their controlling entities, and destructive technologies. 


Green, in a publicly available podcast,10 disclosed that she has undergone a form of permanent possession by an extraterrestrial consciousness in 2012. This alien entity, a female Avian from the Andromeda galaxy, is said to have used advanced technologies, including "orbing," to traverse interstellar distances and ultimately inhabit Green's body. Since this event, Green has presumably been communicating from the perspective of this alien entity, introducing non-terrestrial ideologies to her human following that revere the Ancient Ones, their beliefs, and eugenic practices. 


I would conclude that this Avian entity through Green teaches a presentation of a seemingly complex cosmological narrative that links an idea about human genetics to the model of an ideal human state that is taught to be assimilated by “9D consciousness principle – Ancient Ones,” who are taught to usher humanity towards a “New Grand Cycle.”9 This cycle is centered on the idea of an activation of latent human genetic potential through the use of the Ancient Ones’ technologies, leading to the emergence of a “Stellar Human.”11 I see this as a science experiment trying to construct their version of the Frankenstein monster, which cannot truly live because it is based on death mechanics and imagination. 


Green promotes mental energy practices (meditations) and mythical prehistories through her books and podcasts, teaching her following to envision specific energetic circuits and vortexes linked to external transpersonal fields that she calls timelines, which facilitate human assimilation with ancient entities and their manufactured energies. According to her doctrine, becoming a Stellar Human allows for eventual complete assimilation with the consciousness of the Ancient Ones, whom she believes are no longer in physical form. Green’s “New Grand Cycle” incorporates death, recycling, and assimilation as key elements in her eugenic agenda, which aims to transform humanity into a believed elevated state of transhumanism as a “new Ancient One…that will lead to immortality.”9

Concluding Thoughts


In their cosmic narratives, Green’s Ancient Ones and the AMCC and MCEO-GA factions weave together a belief that is meticulously engineered and maintained by heavy hands, a cosmos that is more artificially constructed than naturally flowing. They disseminate doctrines that benefit themselves and their manipulated constructs only up to a point. They no longer know or have never known the inherent, living facets of existence and can only approximate life through their distorted copies. A truly living cosmology with natural, resilient connections within and beyond are distinctly partitioned from the confines of externally imposed manipulations and controls. 


Entity teachings involving a component of death, while purporting to offer different kinds of enlightenment and “advanced” knowledge, are but complex agendas that tether humanity to dying worlds and parasitic beings. A multitude of extraterrestrial influences, each with its own technological system and measured cosmic blueprint, vies for control over human life and Earth’s nature in these times. Lost to them are the sustaining processes of natural creation, obscured by eons of their phantom scientific experiments. This accumulation of externalized distortions has led to progressive fragmentation, severely altering access to real, healthy, inner awareness and individuality at fundamental levels. Such distortions warp the perception of reality, culminating in profoundly disordered psychological states, i.e. mental illness, where “anything is possible” in a variation of Oneness, which really just supports their self-serving agenda.


It is crucial to recognize that the extraterrestrial-led teachers Ashayana/E′Asha and Randi Green, as well as others like them, have ultimately given up their own humanity and primary connection to Earth. With “teachers” like these who have no vested interest in our physical and planetary autonomy and sustainability, how can we really trust them?


I advocate for humans to maintain a critical perspective, recognizing our individually actualized capacity to discern and deeply sense what is right when large-scale phantom technologies, teaching systems, and otherworldly agendas are being forced into our minds and onto our bodily spatial autonomy.


Ultimately, unveiling the Andromeda Deception exposes the direction of prominent New Age and religious group agendas toward physical and mental possession, and various extraterrestrial entities attempting to execute their demanding, oppressive colonization attempts on Earth. When higher-dimensional entities provide teachings that force their proximity to us through ideology and metaphysical pseudo-science, they enable themselves to exert influence and fulfill their agendas, involving the unsanctioned use of human bodies. If we do not address the ethical implications and put a stop to our participation with these controlling, hierarchical models of creation and inter-entity relations told to humanity, then lasting effects can negatively alter our personal and collective futures.


I offer this final message to the “death science” deceptions: enough is enough! It is clear that these entities demand our connection to them more than we might want their foreign beliefs, practices, or rituals. Let us protect ourselves and our Earthly home from these foreign invaders by employing critical thinking and maintaining our space, and its natural, flowing and life-sustaining connections to our beautiful, living and breathing Earth home.


1.     Talea, Theresa. “Revealing the Andromeda Deception.” Rediscovery Press, June 3, 2024.

2.     Talea, Theresa. Eternal Humans and The Finite Gods: How an Ex-Prophet and I Left Religion and Discovered Universes Beyond and Within. 3rd Edition. Rediscovery Press, 2021. Print.

3.     Deane, Ashayana. Voyagers: The Secrets of Amenti, Volume II of the Emerald Covenant CDT Plate Translations. 2nd Ed. Columbus, NC: Wild Flower Press, 2002.

4.     MCEO Freedom Teachings®.  Legacy of the Lost, Freedoms of the Found, the Milky Way Mysteries, Halls of Records and the “Jesus Codes.”  [DVDs and Handbook] Amsterdam: Azurite Press MCEO, Inc. Adashi MCEO LLC, November 2007.

5.     E′Asha-Ashayana Arhayas.  The Shiftmasters™ Course-1 Tan-Tri-Ahura™ Immersion Retreat Let’s Get Brave & Be Happy! The DrømmeMestere™ Awakening. [DVD Set] Aruba: Arhayas Productions, LLC. April 2-15, 2014.

6.     E′Asha Ashayana Arhayas. “Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living – Element-3: The Theoretical Reality of Everything, Rainbow Reconnection Re-Evolution, the ‘Nomi-gene’ & Eff-im-a’-rhal Manifestation.” ARhayas Productions, LLC. 23 Sep. 2015 - present.

7.     MCEO Freedom Teachings®.  Festival of Light 2010 – AmorAea Krystal Temples, the Monadic Passage, and Galactic Spiral Alignments: Aquafareion Shield Starburst Blue Transharmonic AmorAea Merkaba Activation-1. [DVDs and Handbook] Sarasota, FL: Azurite Press MCEO, Inc. Adashi MCEO LLC, January 2010.

8.     Green, Randi. Modern History  Another Perspective of Our World. Books on Demand GmbH, 2018. E-Book.

9.     Green, Randi. The HAL Philosophy  The Next Steps of the Progression Work. Books on Demand GmbH, 2020. 2ndEdition. E-Book.

10.   Green, Randi. On Energetic Affinity and the Gates out of our Solar System. YouTube, uploaded by @The-HOPE-Institute, Feb. 15, 2024,

11.   Green, Randi. Understanding the Old Stellar Souls. Books on Demand GmbH, 2016. E-Book.


  1. Great read ! Thanks for the integrity and friendship to Mankind ! Hugs & Greets, Stefan Sattler

    1. The support is much appreciated, Stefan! My hope is that we can cultivate self-realized skills and advocate for Earth and our sustaining humanity as we move forward. I am glad you recognized these foundations important to this writing.

    2. Call me in, my friend ... it's an honor to cooperate with You and Dear Theresa, a great honor and a pleasure for sure ! We'll stay tuned !

  2. Greetings.
    Thanks for your efforts Alex. I wrote a lengthy comment in context to this your most recent article.

    Unfortunately the website told me ‘comment is too long’. Also previously i had messaged you through here but i believe it never went through. Possibly too long also.

    Long story short. Your articles helped me to fit pieces of a rather large jigsaw together so to speak concerning these otherworldly/entity topics. Which further led me to purchase and deeply examine Theresa Talea’s book ‘Eternal Humans and the finite gods (updated third 2021 edition)

    And for this i am most grateful

    In kind regards

    1. Hi Tom, your support and feedback is very helpful. I am sorry to hear the blogger limits comment length, I did not know this. I encourage readers to send me their feedback through email if you would like:

      I hoped that the efforts to uncover more about the specific entity groups and their ideologies would resonate with others, and that Theresa’s important work and book has brought it further together for your understanding and process.

      You are very welcome, thank you for taking the time to write me.
      Take care,
      Alex Balistreya

    2. I second your sentiments Tom, truly life changing!

    3. Yes the work you’ve brought forward with your website was a benefit to me personally. As i myself had become involved with one of the key entity groups you had exposed in one of your previous articles. What you wrote concerning them made me dig a whole lot deeper and realise they were neither as honest nor benevolent as they had been making out. And as i mentioned your article led me to Theresa’s book which went even deeper. And a whole lot more. I sent you an email

      With regards

  3. Hi Alex,thank you for your honesty and commitment to look for and share truth as you find it.
    To say how important this information is an understatement,I have found comfort knowing that there are people on planet right now like yourself and Theresa Takes,here's to a future filled with self empowerment and growth,as people and as custodians of this beautiful planet Earth 💙

  4. Thank you for being one of the only critical voices out there of Randi Green's work. I am still trying to recover from my time with her. I had never heard of any of these concepts before and was quite taken by her and the untangling has been a process.

    1. Hello, I am pleased that my critique resonated with you. I hope it has provided a more discerning perspective on Randi and other "teachers" in the New Age and "spiritual" fields. If you feel inspired or compelled to share more about your recovery and experiences with her, I would genuinely like to hear about them: The critique of her material is justified, and I hope more people will find their critical voice regarding her claims and their impact on her followers. As this critique is relatively new, hearing from those with firsthand experience helps me further clarify the issues I have raised.

  5. Hello, dear Alex, the wisdom of your words helped me experience a much needed re-orientation, thank you. Some years ago, and from a "safe" distance, I studied the same sources you had and came away frustrated for similar reasons. After a five year pause and an awful spiritual detour, my enthusiasm was rekindled on discovering Lisa Renee's work, and while her variant of New Consciousness teachnigs exudes a more transparent light it, too, eventually began to give off a feel saturated with inertia, subtly interwoven with what seems a hidden agenda.
    Looking back and re-evaluating my experience in the light of your blogs I can confirm what I've only suspected thus far.
    When all is said and done one longs for the simplicity of years bygone, when listening to music or watchnig a movie and sharing time with friends was enough, this search for meaning, this trying to make sense of my existence has left me tired and sceptical, I know I need to regroup and take care of my inner child.
    In this, your words are of immense help. Receive my deepest gratitude.
    Sending you much love, ljubo.

    1. Reading this comment was very refreshing. Thank you for taking some time to let me know how my writing has positively impacted you. I truly wish you nourishment in your regrouping, and finding balance and awareness.


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Why I Left the Law of One Religion Part IV

Origins of The Law of One Galactic Federation mouthpiece Sangieta G. Handa describes the entities Mahatma Ghandi and the Buddha as being the same One energy as Thoth.  All three of these entities are affiliated as being apart of the Great White Brotherhood (GWB) group. 1,2,3 They remain allied to the MCEO in ways that assist MCEO agendas, and this affiliation to me suggests the similarities seen in both the MCEO and GWB that revolve around the Law of One and could hint at its origin.    The multitude of Ascended Masters entities that make up the GWB originate from the 13th dimension in a galactic Veca referred to as Wesadek, which I describe in Part II. 4  The MCEO revealed that Wesadek is now a fully phantom black hole system and has had much history involving an entity known as Metatron, who created metatronic physics as well contributed to t...


In this over two-hour long interview I discussed my journey with the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order group also known as Keylontic Science, “KS” New Age Group. My interview maps my experiences with this religious group which involved a lot of entity phenomena and group drama that I had to wade through to get to what I feel as myself.  Chris Comstock who is an active member and student of 'KS' provided me the platform to share my story which eventually did have me to turn away from these groups (GA-MCEO-AMCC). I am looking forward to expounding on some of the topics in more detail to clarify understanding such as the original self-concept and how that is different from the Law of One ‘Higher Self’.  Thank you, Chris, for being open to talking to me and for allowing me to speak and share my journey.  Alex Balistreya

A Buddhist Light Reception Gave me Two Implants

When I was 18, I participated in a religious meeting that gave me two ethereal implants. I was completely unaware of receiving them, but I did notice a change in my attitude that had me superficially focused on sustaining the sought after religious experience of enlightenment. Since learning about the implants, I realized they created distance between my true voice and passion for knowledge while I became drawn into traditional Buddhism. In religion, including New Age spirituality and Buddhism, untruths are prominently shared to direct followers toward a flawed and externalized way of living. I am now standing free and independent from religion after being tugged, pulled, and swayed away from my true self-awareness. In this article, I recount my experience to help show a bigger picture of what occurs in common spiritual practices and ceremonies. I also illuminate how religious ideology skewed my individual world view towards a “oneness”, making me more vulnerable to being mani...

Beyond 2022 and Important Recommendations

Hi everyone, Alex here. It has been some time since I have shared on this website. This will be my final post as I continue onward in my personal integration journey.    As we approach the end of 2022 and beyond, I think it is important for me to leave this blog with two links that can  assist others who resonate with my articles and desire to weed out ungrounded beliefs in order to shift away from influences by entities.   First, I want to state that I have consistently directed people who contact me about various otherworldly topics to read Theresa Talea’s important 2021 third edition of her book,  Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods: How an Ex-Prophet and I Left Religion and Discovered Universes Beyond and Within .      Theresa has articulated clear discernment and tools through knowledge that can help us each understand the bigger picture. More importantly, her book can illuminate something more personally accessible, profound, and life-changin...

What Happened Before and After I Physically Died?

Alex Balistreya · What Happened Before and After I physically Died.m4a      Death is interwoven in spiritual and religious teachings as an accepted aspect of our existence. Religious dualism asserts life cannot exist without death and light cannot exist without dark. While this may be true for people who subscribe to this belief (because they resonate and act with complicated, even chaotic energies), I have always intuitively known death should not exist. Something is inherently wrong with death because it is a traumatic experience that destroys our dense physical body.      Since I deprogrammed myself from oneness beliefs, which seek to confuse my distinct, innate knowing, I have been able to pay attention to my experiences over the past several years that illuminate the reality of life before and after death. My following accounts have given me more awareness regarding the unnatural process of death that many of us have al...