Part I The Many Melchizedeks and Our Galactic Origins The Law of One belief is seen in pieces throughout most religions now on planet Earth. To the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) New Age group and their related intergalactic task force the Guardian Alliance (GA), the Law of One stands as the foundation to their spirit-science “Ascension” teachings dispensed to humanity through their sole spokesperson, Ashayana Deane. For more than five years I was a devoted student to this Law of One teacher and her continued educational workshops that followed the “sacred” set of laws said to contain lessons of love, healing, and oneness. What I found, though, while entrenched in these “sacred” sets of ideologies, were beliefs that choked me and sought to rob me of my individual wholeness in favor of merging with a higher level identity, or God entity as an ultimate goal. Not so different from modern religions, the...
Writings by Alex Balistreya. Exposing the Law of One and religious ceremonies. Rediscover a natural way toward self-integration without religious or New Age beliefs.